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A carta que apela a políticas de crescimento e de emprego e que Portugal não subscreveu pode ser lida aqui. Esta carta foi assinada por 12 líderes europeus, incluindo Espanha, Reino Unido, Itália, Polónia, Holanda e Irlanda.
Pode-se até não concordar com uma ou outra medida (e não concordo, de facto, com todas), mas o simples fato de se pedir um agenda centrada no crescimento e emprego, justificaria o apoio do governo português.
Mas por cá já se sabe: o Governo está deslumbrado com a austeridade (assim como a França e Alemanha, cujos líderes também não assinaram o documento), e deverá achar que a Europa não precisa de mais nada a não ser cortar na despesa.
Interessante é também o fato do texto apontar para algumas medidas que foram centrais nas políticas do anterior governo, nomeadamente a aposta nas energias renováveis.
Second, we must step up our efforts to create a truly digital single market by 2015. The digital economy is expanding rapidly but cross-border trade remains low and creativity is stifled by a complex web of differing national copyright regimes.
We must also continue our efforts to build modern infrastructure to provide better broadband coverage and take-up and extend and promote e-government services to simplify the start up and running of businesses and aid the mobility of workers.
Urgent action is also needed, nationally and where appropriate collectively, to remove planning and regulatory barriers to investment in infrastructure to release the potential of the single market and support green growth and a low-emissions economy.
Fourth, we must redouble our commitment to innovation by establishing the European Research Area, creating the best possible environment for entrepreneurs and innovators to commercialise their ideas and create jobs, and putting demand-led innovation at the heart of Europe’s research and development strategy.
We should also reinforce trade relations with countries in the southern neighbourhood. Fresh impetus should be given to trade negotiations with strategic partners such as Mercosur and Japan.
Seventh, we must act nationally and, respecting national competences, collectively to promote well functioning labour markets which deliver employment opportunities and, crucially, promote higher levels of labour market participation among young people, women and older workers.
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